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Sequoia National Park



I spent an entire summer dedicated to traveling California. One of the most beautiful places I stopped to see was the Sequoia National Park. This park is truly amazing and gives you a new perspective of how small us humans really are on this planet.

Getting To The Park

There are two entrances when getting into the park. Personally I took the scenic route that was down a dirt road. The higher elevation created amazing landscape views of the canyon as well as provide me with some cool architecture.


During our drive to the park, we stopped by a river for lunch and noticed a gold shimmer underneath the water. When we looked closer we realized that the river actually had gold in it! This site is not a very common place that is visited, so I would recommend going the longer route to the park to see a less visited place.

The National Park is filled with all kinds of wildlife. We just so happen to see plenty of deer on our sunset visit in the park. I would suggest going either in the morning or late evening to see the trees by yourself. The Giant Grove is a great area to see and will make you feel so small. 

More of Sequoia

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